Industry Search

Specialty Cable Corporation

Promotion Level: Free Listing
Platinum Member: No
Contact 1: Carl Shanahan
Contact 1 Job Title: Pres
Contact 2: Kim Bowen
Contact 2 Job Title: CEO/CFO
Contact 3: Ken Caplet
Contact 3 Job Title: VP Engrng/QA
Contact 4: David Severino
Contact 4 Job Title: Purchasing Mgr
2 Tower Dr
Country: USA
Telephone: 203-265-7126
Telephone 2: 203-265-7126
Manufacturer of cables for exacting specifications, hostile environments, extreme temperatures and other demanding applications.
Products/Services: Appliance wire & cable, control & signal cable, copper wire-micataped, high temperature wire, lacquered wire, military wire, specialty wire, thermocouple wire-insulated.