Wirenet Image Band
wirenet.org mobile image band
Category To Convert From To Multiple by
Acceleration $ ft/s^2 $ $ m^2/s^2 $ $0.3048$
$ in/s^2 $ $ m^2/s^2 $ $ 2.5400x10^{-2}$
Area $ ft^2 $ $ m^2 $ $9.29030x10^{-2}$
$ in^2 $ $ m^2 $ $ 6.4516x10^{-4}$
Density $ g/cm^3 $ $ kg/m^3 $ $1.0000x10^3$
$ in^2 $ $ m^2 $ $ 6.4516x10^{-4}$

General Formula: Ohms/M Ft = $\frac{1000 R}{D^2}$

$^d0000 = (K^{39})(d_{36})$

Solving for K:

K=$\sqrt [39] {\frac {0.4600}{0.0050}}$

It is not rare for finished wire to be marked. This often happens on stripper blocks and causes quality complaints. Below is a series of specific steps you can take to identify the source of the marking.

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Contact us

The Wire Association Int.

71 Bradley Road, Suite 9

Madison, CT 06443-2662

P: (203) 453-2777