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Hitachi Cable: a posted photo led to unexpected charity twist

This photo of Hitachi Cable America staffers led to subsequent acts of goodwill.

Hitachi Cable America (HCA) will soon become Proterial Cable America, but under any name the business is supportive of giving back. Below, Marketing Director Rayne DuPaul shares how one charitable effort sparked a domino cascade of positive actions.

Food insecurity is a growing problem in the U.S., and families have been under even more pressure over the past two years with the global pandemic, and now food inflation. This summer we wanted to give back to our community by supporting the local food bank. Hitachi Cable America, of Manchester, New Hampshire, was able to donate 1,335 pounds of food and delivered approximately 1,113 meals. Dozens of HCA employees handled the logistics.

We happened to place the food donations as well as essential household goods in Teknor Apex Gaylord boxes. Through the power of social media, someone from Teknor saw our post on LinkedIn, and generously donated two boxes of compound back to us.

We were surprised by the unexpected single act of kindness. We did some research and saw that Teknor Apex hosts an annual toy drive for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. We talked among ourselves and decided that we should pay this generosity forward, right back to Teknor Apex. We have started collecting unwrapped toys for children in need this holiday season at Hitachi. In the beginning of December, we plan to send a full Gaylord box of unwrapped toys (or more!) in partnership with Teknor Apex towards the Make-A-Wish Foundation this year.

Charity may begin at home, but it also can be found in the goodwill of companies.

Manufacturers GIVING BACK

This is part 1 of Wire Journal International's first-ever feature presenting 16 manufacturers that have given back to their communities: hundreds others could just as easily have been here. Each entry has a unique story, yet the common thread is the people—of all ranks—who care about their companies as well as their communities. Big volunteer efforts deserve applause, but so do smaller ones as they all head in the same direction. In a time when there is seldom a lack of daunting news, one can take pride in the industry spirit.

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Looking for other parts of this feature series?


Companies Featured:
Hitachi Cable America (now Proterial Cable America), Viakable, Acme Wire Products, High-Performance Conductors (HPC), Kris-Tech, Allied Wire, Ulbrich Stainless Steels & Special Metals, Inc., Cerrowire, Belden, Fort Wayne Metals, Optimus Steel, Prysmian, Minnesota Wire, Southwire, Service Wire, Alloy Wire International
Bonus Content:
> Employer alert! Volunteers make for a better workforce.
> How can a small business start a ‘giving back’ program?

Read 1028 times Last modified on December 22, 2022
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